

Dreams and Spaghetti-o's
"A glimpse of my life as a seek to live one day at a time in the beautiful city of New York" 

ME in a nutshell....
daughter of the King, southern bred, city dweller, Children's Ministry Director, fond of all things colorful, photographer wannabe, quiet on most days, loud on certain days, closet dancer, fountain diet coke addict, close to my family, fan of my friends, Greys Anatomy follower, obsessive aunt, exercise enthusiast, Central Park lover, believer that watching "Friends" can make any day a little bit brighter, Phi Mu forever, avid reader, regular blogger.

Why it all began...
"This is for all you girls about twenty five, in little apartments just tryin' to get by, livin' on on dreams and spaghetti-o's, wonderin' where your life is gonna go."
~Martina McBride~
When I was 25 I moved to New York City and began the big adventure that my life is today.  At the same time I decided to begin this blog, "Dreams and Spaghetti-o's".  Although I did not know how long I would actually keep up with the blogging world, it has surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) been one of my favorite things.  My blog is a place for me.  It's my scrapbook, my journal, my place to write about my crazy experiences, my oridnary days, my thoughts, and my feelings. I've always been better at communicating through writing rather than speaking so having a blog has worked out quite well for me.  Although I've always said my blog is for me, I do hope that my writing will be an encourgement to you. That you will learn from what I am learning, feel hope in what you might struggling with, and gain a better understanding of the Gospel of Christ through my life and my words. I write about a lot, but also leave out a lot.  Like other blogs you might read it's only a "glimpse" of what my life actually looks like. A glimpse it might be, but a glimpse that I hope will be enjoyable for you to read!