
Monday, September 28, 2009

A Blog Worthy Weekend

Guess where I went this past weekend???
Don't you just love all that Red....And the cart escalator SO COOL!
That's right people I went to TARGET this weekend, a rare treat when you live in the city!

Amy and I made our way to Grand Central Station Friday afternoon to board a train Greenwich, Connecticut bound. We went to see our dear friend Misty who recently moved there. She is an actress in the city, but moved out to the suburbs with the family she nannies for. It was so fun to get out of the city for a bit and relax in such a cute and quiet town! And how fun to catch up with Misty !
One funny moment from the weekend: We were walking down the sidewalk to the little downtown area. I looked down and what did I see? A sidewalk that was perfectly in between two large patches of grass. I was like WOAH there is grass surrounding the sidewalk! That's right, I am so totally use to having pavement, sidewalk, more pavement, building. It is so weird to leave the city and realize how different your environment is everywhere else. I never thought I would get to the point where seeing regular grass (except in Central Park) is such a rare occasion.

Now I do have to say that I went a little overboard at Target, not thinking about how I was going to get it all home! Let's just say, I thought I just might pass out on the subway from carrying such heavy bags for so long. I had visions in my head of a car in the parking lot of Target. You open your trunk, put your bags in and drive home. You then unload your bags and walk a few short steps to your front door. Um, yea my post Target experience was not like that. By the time I got home I was questioning why I thought buying a large glass vase for my apt was such a good idea? Ok, it was worth it, but I am still recovering!

P.S. Did you see I did two post tonight? In the words of Kari Jo I went on a little "blog binge"

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