One week ago I flew to Texas to spend the weekend with 3 of my favorite people! It was such a sweet time! I think we all would say it could not have been more perfect. The weather was beautiful, and as you can see from the pics we spent quite a bit of time outdoors. we ate at some fun restaurants, went on long walks, laughed a ton, and caught up on each others lives. These friendships are the type that even though we do not get together very often it always feels like we were never apart when we finally do get to connect. I was reminded this weekend how thankful I am for God's gifts in my life. I am thankful for these friendships and that He has blessed me with girls who really do care about me, challenge me, pray for me, and make me laugh! Even with great distance I feel their partnership in my life. Below is a snapshot of our time together. Besides spending the weekend as the four of us we were able to hang out a little bit with Heather's roommate Becca (who Colette and I both had the opportunity to disciple at different points while Becca was in college) and our friend Christina drove from Waco to spend a few hours with us! Christina was on CO staff with Samm at Western and Christina discipled me for a couple years while I was in college! It was so fun to spend time with both of these girls!
This weekend meant a lot to me and and I came back rejuvenated for my crazy life in New York. I look forward to the next time the Lord brings us together again. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later!
Thanks Girls for a great weekend!

What a fun weekend with you girlies!!! I miss all of you already!!
friendship is such a precious gift...and I am so thankful that you have these girls in your life. Great pics!!!
what a fun group - so glad you got to just "be" together! you're all so beautiful!
I have been waiting to see your pictures! What a sweet reunion!!!
sooo this is where you've has been missing you! can't wait to hang on sunday!
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