
Monday, January 24, 2011

The Words that I needed

It's 11:30 at night and I really should be hitting the hay, but I just have to share this. I was having a little bit of a debbie downer kind of day.  I really shouldn't have been, but I was (maybe 12 degree temps had a small part to do with it. uggghhh)  So while riding the subway home from work today I just had a pity party with God.  Here were some of my whines to God while riding the B train.  " God why are good things happening to everyone around me? Why does every other friend have exciting things going on in their lives.  I want to be excited for them, but it just stings. ......  I just don't understand your plan for me and on and on" Can you tell I was having a pity party?  I then asked the Lord to please answer me, show me some sign that He really did hear my prayers and really did have a plan in store.  Come on God!!  Can you tell it was a bad day?
ok so fast forward a few hours.  I was putting things away in my room when I looked down at the bottom shelf of my book case and noticed "Streams in the Desert"  Ok I love this devotional, but I honestly haven't picked it up in weeks.  After glancing at it I went on with what I was doing, but I just had a really strong urge that I needed to read it tonight before I went to bed. so I stopped what I was doing and picked it up.  And here was the first paragraph...
" God knows exactly when to withhold or grant us any visible signs of encouragement. How wonderful it is when we will trust Him in either case! Yet it is better when all visible evidence that He is remembering us is withhold.  He wants us to realize that His word - His promise of remembering us - is more real and dependable than any evidence our senses may reveal.  It is good when he sends the visible evidence, but we appreciate it even more after we have trusted Him without it."
And thats only the first paragraph!! ok let's skip a little and go to the last (mainly b/c I'm too tired to write it all out)
"Delayed answers to prayers are not refusals. May prayers are received and recorded, yet underneath are the words, 'My time has not yet come' God has a fixed time and an ordained purpose, and He who controls the limits of our lives also determines the time of our deliverance."   - Streams in the Desert Jan 24
So once again God gives it to me.  He knew what I needed and He guided me to these words tonight.  Is God real or what?  Thank you God for giving me these words tonight and being so patient with your doubtful, impatient daughter.

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