
Friday, April 22, 2011

The Cross

I love Holy week and more than that I love Good Friday.  What a week of rejoicing and celebration. And on this week I have been thinking a lot about the cross.  The cross where Jesus was mocked and spat upon. The cross where Jesus said "forgive them for them for they know not what they have done"  The cross where Jesus cried out to his father "abba father".  The cross where for the one and only time God turned his back on his son and Jesus was utterly forsaken.  The cross where Jesus in that moment took the sin of the world upon his shoulders. The cross where Jesus drank the cup of God's wrath and  in a loud voice said "it is finished".  The cross where Jesus gave up his spirit and died.  He died so that I could live. I know on Good Friday many years ago there was much mourning, but today we can rejoice because we know what is coming.  we know that the death is not the end. And I know that what my savior did He did for me.  I am a unworthy, broken, sinful person and yet it is OK.  It's ok because the King of the universe humbled himself and died a humiliating death so that I could be made whole in him.  So that one day all that brokenness will be completely binded and I will be complete in HIm.
I know I have such a small view of the Gospel, but the more I understand it the more I am so incredibly thankful for this indescribable gift.
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.                            I John 3:16
If you have the Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones you need to go read "The Sun Stops Shining"  Oh how I love this story.  What an incredible picture of the cross. I told Sally recently that reading this story for the first time (and now many times after) has given me more of a tender view of the cross that I ever had before.  Thanks Sally for engaging our hearts through this sweet bible.   

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