
Monday, February 18, 2013

Books to Change YOUR Life

It's become a joke with a few of my friends when I say "that book changed my life", because I say it a lot.  I really love to read.  I don't read as much as I wish I did, but I always have a book going.  I might read a book really quickly or it might take me a year to read, but no matter what I'm always reading something. I keep one book on my bedside table to read at night and I keep one in my purse to read on the subway.  And I'll be honest books do influence me.  I remember what I read and it impacts my life (this can be good and bad) and so as I spend time with women in NYC i'm constantly referring to something I read in a book or telling someone they need to read a specific book.  When I love a book I want others to love it to.  Thus some of my friends have started laughing everytime I say "that book changed my life". I mean maybe it's a bit dramatic to say that all the time, but I do have a long list of books that the Lord has used in different seasons or when I'm struggling with different things to help me in my walk with Him.  Obviously nothing should ever come close to replacing the bible, but I am a fan of reading books and reading books I do!  So my friends Katherine and Erin challenged me to make a list on my blog of the top books that have "changed my life".  I thought I would make a small list to share on my blog, but as I looked on my bookcase (yes I am still old fashion and buy hard copies of all spiritual growth/non fiction books b/c I want to be able to write in them. I do have a kindle for all my fiction reading) I couldn't stop with just a few books.  So with no further ado here is the top 30 spiritual growth books i've read over the last several years.  These are in no particular order and honestly I could probably add more, but i'm going to stick to 30 for now.  I won't write any description of the book , but they are all linked to Amazon so you can read for yourself.  And I think eventually I'll add a book tab to my blog so I continue to add books as I read them.
 I hope this will be a helpful resource to some. 
Happy Reading!  

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