
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My Last Sunday

I basically worked at Redeemer from my first day in the city until the last.
It was my home and my community. 
I watched Redeemer go through so many seasons. I was a part of the decentralization when we went from 1 congregation to 3 and I was very involved in the building and outfitting of our first (and only) building. 

One of the best parts of being at Redeemer was being under the pastorship and leadership of Tim Keller.  He is a man of Jesus who has more wisdom and knowledge than any other person I know.  I really believe he is the C.S. Lewis of this generation and will be forever remembered in history for his preaching and writing.  He is not a perfect man and Redeemer is not a perfect church, but I can honestly say I learned more and changed more in this season at Redeemer than I have at any other point in my life.  My eyes were opened to a new view of the Gospel and that has radically affected the way I see the world and live in it.  

Redeemer was also not a perfect place to work, but it was a really great place with really great people. I wish I had gotten pictures with more people but I did snap a few on my last Sunday. Sharan and Betty were 2 of the nursery staff who have been at Redeemer much longer than I was.  They were faithful staff who were always a joy to be around.  

One of the hardest parts of my last Sunday was saying good-bye to the Taylor girls.  When Margaret said good-bye to me she made me hold out my hand and kissed it and then said to me with tears in her eyes "I'll never forget you bethany, never ever". It was the sweetest moment and also one that made me want to change my mind and say I wasn't leaving.  I've been a part of these girls lives (plus their sister Hannah) from the beginning and honestly couldn't imagine my life without them being a regular part of it.  Thankfully there is face time and planes and slumber parties in the future!  

I watched the Children's Ministry grow by about 75% and turn into a completely different ministry than when I first arrived.  It was an amazing privilege to be a part of this and very hard to say good-bye too. 
We had the same operation staff who served our congregation for all the years I was there.  I didn't get pictures of all of them but had to take a pic with Beeds. I miss not seeing them every Sunday now!
I only got a pic with these 3 staff (Regan, Kate, and Ariane) We joked that we all dressed in black because we were mourning me leaving.  I really think my favorite part of my job was my staff team. They were a.m.a.z.i.n.g and I miss them greatly!!! 
This day was such a surreal day.  I knew it was my last day but it also felt like just another day.  I didn't feel like I was walking out of Redeemer for the last time when I said good-bye.  I know I will be back to visit often and will stay connected to so many people in NYC. It's still so crazy to me that I don't work at Redeemer anymore.  It was such great 6.5 years and I am thankful that the Lord allowed this place of worship to be my home and employment for this short season of my life! 
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