
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

That the Next Generation May Know Him...

I was talking to a lady a few years ago when I first became the Children's Director at Redeemer in NYC when She looked me square in the eyes and said, "What makes you think anyone is going to listen to you.  You are young, single, and have no children?"  In the moment my face turned red and everything in me wanted to quit my job and run away.  But as the days went by and I processed that comment I thought to myself.  "She's right.  She is 3 for 3 on all of those things and truthfully no one should listen to me because of me, they should listen to me because I have the Holy Spirit in me, I'm passionate, and I have a desire to invest in their children.  A few years later I still feel the same way.  I'm still young I'm still single, and I still have no children, but I've had a dream that has developed and I believe more than ever that those things don't matter when you are called by the Lord for a purpose.  

When Jesus called the disciples he didn't call them because of their age, their wisdom, or their career. He called them because he wanted to use them. He had a very specific plan for them and he was committed them knowing him and making Him known.  In light of recent events of the world I've been thinking a lot about my role and my purpose.  So much of me wants to do something great in the world.  I want to be able to stop the evil, rescue the hurting, and make a difference that goes further than Birmingham AL.  But that's where my job comes into play.  That's where I look at the story God wrote for my life and the role he has called me to.  

When I speak to a room full of adults about Children's Ministry I always start by saying that I believe children are the future. They are the next generation and it is a very specific opportunity and privilege to invest in the next generation. Psalm 78: 4, 6- says, "We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands." That passage is so incredibly powerful to me. The idea of passing on the promises and truths of God and his word to the next generation that they would know them and they would tell their children. I cringe when I hear people talk negatively about our world today.  It is scary what is going on around us every single day and I know that the future is unknown, but the truth is that until Jesus comes back and takes us home we are called to live fully on this earth! And living fully on this earth as Christians means giving our life away! It is our calling and our responsibility to make a difference in this world, to be a light in darkness, and to live boldly for Jesus. That may look different for everyone. We all have roles we are called to, seasons of life we are in, and a story that is being written but in the same way God used a few young fishermen he can use you and me! And for me that means giving my life away to the next generation.

I write all this because I need to be reminded that God is using me, but I also write this because I want to challenge others.  So many of us are looking around the world today and thinking "what can I do?" or "who can I help?".  And yes there are things today that need to be done.  Ways to serve, places to donate, and most importantly prayers to be said. But there are also children all around us who are looking around wanting to be loved, asking if they are important, and starting to develop a world view that is going to impact the way they live their lives and ultimately the world that we live in. 

So I encourage you to give your life away wherever you are. But if you do have children or you are in a church with a Children's Ministry, or have any any opportunity to invest in the life of a child I challenge you to  be a part of raising up the next generation to know Jesus and make Him known.  God does not need you, but He will use you.  And  what if that small child grows up to be next President of the United States and he is the one who has a say in the biggest decisions being made for our world.  Or what if she grows up and moves to the Middle East and is part of a ministry that reaches the unreached.  Or what if he grows up to be a garbage man and is so in love with the Lord that he can't help to share his faith when every house in the neighborhood.  And that neighborhood shares with others and one by one the world is impacted with the name of Jesus!  

I know driving carpool as a parent, volunteering in a Sunday School classroom on Sunday mornings, or even being a Children's Director in Birmingham Alabama isn't nearly as glamorous as traveling the world to help others, but the truth is it is making just as much of a difference.  Because those seeds that are planted in the heart of a child are going to have ripple effects and one small child may be a part of changing the world for Christ.  There is a reason Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Children are important and they are worth our time, energy, and service. I need to be reminded of that on days when I struggle with my calling or I want to be out making a difference in the world.  I really do pray that whatever my life looks like and wherever he calls me that I will always remember the importance of giving my life to a child and watching Him use me to be a part of the next generation knowing Jesus. That might be one of the most influential ways He can use me.

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