I started this blog in 2008 when I moved to New York City. I was young, single, and had big dreams. Living on dreams and spaghetti-o's (hence the title:-)) I spent the (almost) 7 years I lived In NYC praying for a husband. I dated some, my heart definitely got broken some, but my prayer life was consistent. Intermixed with that was years of so many friendship, so much adventure, and so much life! I knew New York would always be deep in my heart and now that my dream of meeting someone in the city was over I prayed that whoever I did meet would at least appreciate my love for the city and would get the opportunity to know my life there! Fast forward a year when I met Dustin.
One of the things that we instantly connected over was our love for cities! Even though we lived in different cities (he lived in Atlanta for several years) we could so easily appreciate the same things and have the same passions for things about the city. It was a sweet connection
Let's keep fast forwarding to April when Dustn and I planned a trip to NYC so that he could see my life and meet my friends. I wrote about it HERE when I wrote part 2 of our Dating story. We now look back at that trip as a significant moment in our relationship when we both knew "this was it". How kind of the Lord to allow such an important place to me be the place of such an important moment in life!
A month after that New York trip we got engaged! And then life became a whirlwind. In those crazy months we decided why not fit in another trip to my favorite city! This time to go to an all day pre-marital seminar at Redeemer that my friend, Brent Bounds teaches. As soon as we told people we were coming up my sweet friends started planning away for a weekend that would go down as one of my favorites!
On Saturday night they hosted an engagement party for us on a rooftop in Time Square. The room where the party was held was all glass and you could literally see the entire city.
It was such a fun time of catching up with friends and enjoying the skyline of New York!

What's a good party without a photo Booth!

Amy, Sandi, and Jenni! 3 of my favorites!
Misty and Amy, 2 of my closest NYC friends who had both moved away, were able to come back for the big weekend! Although we were missing lots of girls, we were able to take an original Community Group pic! I can't imagine my life in the city without these people!
Along with the Taylor's, the Bounds were my other adopted family! So fun to celebrate with Brent and Jenni!
And if my NYC friends weren't enough, my friend Kelli (who now lives in Maryland) came up for the big weekend! Kelli might love NYC as much as I do, and looks for every opportunity to come visit! I was so thankful to have this friend from my Campus Outreach days to be a part of all the celebrations!
Christy Ray, Kate M, Erica, and Kate R
It really wasn't an all girls party, but somehow we didn't get pics of all the guys:)
When we took this picture it was one of those moments where both Dustin and I had to pinch ourselves. Who knew when I was living in city of lights that one day I would be on a rooftop celebrating my engagement with the man I had prayed for all those years. And let's be honest, it was just such a trendy and amazing spot!
We both walked away so thankful and feeling so loved!
If Saturday night was not enough my sweet friends hosted a bridal shower for me at the Taylor's home on Sunday afternoon. I know I keep saying stuff like this, but I just have to make notes of this. Sandi mentored me for all my years in NYC, I baby-sat her girls, and spent many days at their home. They were my family in NYC. I used Sandi's home to host many parties and showers for friends. Each time I secretly wondered if there would ever be an opportunity to have a wedding shower for me there. When I moved I thought that dream had died, but once again I saw the Lord enter in and give me that gift. Sunday afternoon was special for so many reasons. Each girl wrote down a verse, prayer, or advice for me and then they all went around and shared different things. Each girl in this pictured has impacted my life in so many ways. It was such a sweet time of hearing from them words of encouragement they had for me. I often think back on that time, read the notes they wrote and just feel so thankful to have friends who encourage me in the way that they did that day.
Front Row: Leigh Ann, Robyn, Misty, Sandi, Hannah, Erica, Kate M
Back Row: Maggie, Katherine, Lindsay Ann, Kate S, Karen, Me, Amy, Vicky, Jenni, Kate R.
Isn't the Hashtag Banner the cutest?!? (thanks Leigh Ann)

In addition to a time of sharing, Hannah and Margaret had a surprise for me. Flashback to when Margaret was a baby and I started spending lots of time with the Taylors. For whatever reason (not sure why) I started singing "There is a Redeemer" to the girls when I would put them to bed. Although I sang different songs to them over the years, that song stuck and each night I was there we would sing that song together. The words are powerful and I always prayed they would cling to those words as they grew up. Even now when I go visit and stay with them, they ask me to come sing with them before they go to sleep. Fast forward to the shower, when Hannah and Margaret sang the song to me. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life. They both broke down so every girl in the room sang along. The relationship I have with them is so special and to have them be a part of this shower was one of the most memorable things. If you have never heard of the song, I encourage you to listen to it HERE
I started baby-sitting the Taylors and entering into their family when the girls were 4, 1, and newborn. Now they are 12, 9, and 8. How is this possible?
They handed out programs at my wedding. Pics to come of that later!
This weekend in NYC was a dream come true for me (I know I have said that often) and just so incredibly fun! To get time with so many friends, have Dustin connect with the people who I did life with for so long, and just be in the city together again was special and so fun!
To all my friends in NYC it is now 4 months later, but I can't thank you enough for making this a weekend we will never forget!
We went back to Birmingham ready for 1 more shower and the last month of engagement before the big day!
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